[One Step at a Time #3] Do you think he has confidence now?

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"There are Q&A webinars as part of the program.

In the first Q&A I asked how many people made money already and I was shocked by the number of people who wrote that they did. A lot.

That is unheard of in these kinds of courses so I’m very happy about that."

Three weeks ago, I was chatting with one of my friends, and I’d asked her about a course she’d launched recently.

She continued:

"Well, one is up to $5-$6k/month.

They are making money – which really helps with confidence and motivation."

It sure does. And I must confess that I have a hard time believing these from zero-to-millions-stories. But a guy, who follows the right training and make $5-$6k/month – yes, that’s believable.

I was happy for my friend, having created such a great course, but I wasn’t surprised. I’d known her since 2010, where she set up one of her first courses, and I made my first Amazon money while following it. I’d been an Amazon affiliate since 1997 or 1998.

There are several reasons why her courses are so good:

  • She’s a good teacher.
  • She cares about her students and their results.
  • She’s helpful.
  • She only teaches stuff she does herself and knows is working.

Her name is Sara Young, and you probably know her already 🙂 If not, then I’ll tell you more about her tomorrow.

Anyway, back to her $5-6k student – as you can imagine, I wanted to know more. I was curious to find out what this student had done and how fast he started to make that amount of money, and Sara replied:

"I just did an interview with him where he explains what he did.

He followed my training and took it an extra step."

I begged her for a link to the interview when it was online, and here it is. It’s only six minutes, but definitely worth your time.

Click the link below to watch it.

>> http://malka.im/isavideo <<

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