[Amazon] You might be picking the wrong products (I did)

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It was a holiday in Israel yesterday, so I took the day off.

Independence Day.

We had dinner in town and watched the fireworks. So beautiful 🙂

But back to business.

Have you ever had a domain called XT703i.com?

Or picked the best-selling coffee brewer to promote? (Yeah, the one everybody else is promoting…)

I have.

Back in March 2010, I build several Amazon sites around one product each. Two of them had domain names that consisted of the model number. Not XT703i, but similar. One was about a coffee brewer. I don’t even remember what the other one was.

I didn’t sell anything from either of these domains. Too much competition. Pages too salesy.

But most products teaches us to check the best-seller list, check number of searches for that keyword, and then build a site around the top product with a reasonable amount of competition.

Nothing wrong with that – except that most people have a hard time making money that way.

Ryan Stevenson goes the other way.


First, he builds sites that should help people. They aren’t meant to be sales page, but informative pages.

In his videos he shows you how you can find under-the-radar products and sell them with little to no competition.

He doesn’t even talk about keyword research on Google…

The videos (23 – most around 3–5 minutes each) are of very high quality. He speaks clearly and shows examples and explains what he sees and why you should look for those things.

He says that you don’t have to know anything about the niche you pick, but this product doesn’t go into how to write the reviews.

This product purely talks about research – how to pick a niche/product, and what you should look for to decide whether the product will be good to promote or not, and where to find information that will make your reviews stand out and really help your visitor.

As he says in the beginning, he’s building sites that people will love to visit and even share with others, because they are helpful.

Inside the videos, you’ll discover why it could hurt you to go for 4-star reviews only (this makes perfectly sense when you hear it), and what you should be particularly aware of on Amazon’s pages.

You can even watch the first training video from this course for free to learn more about this approach.

Just go here to watch now:


Best regards,
Britt Malka

P.S. Besides the 23 videos, you also get a report (24 pages) that summarizes what you’ll learn in the videos. That makes it faster to look back for details. Watch the first video here: http://malka.im/e/azonnichemaster

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