Your own viral images? – Soon Easy Paycheck Formula 2 review – Weekend

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Hi there 🙂

You’ll want this link in a moment:

Good news! I just got contacted by Sara Young. She made Easy Paycheck Formula in 2010 – or at least that was when I saw it. I made one blog using her method, and until recently, it made me a few dollars almost every month.

She has made an update, using Squidoo, and I got a review copy last year in November (I think it was), but with my own product coming out, I didn’t really have time to implement what I learned.

Sara contacted me this morning and told me she would launch EPF2 in May, and I said that these days, Squidoo was a dangerous area to go. But she replied that none of her students have had problems with their lenses. And they are still reporting back to her about sales within the first days or the first week.

Those are not fast and furious lenses to create, but on the other hand, I like to combine things. Some fast about products. Some slower about other things (I have some ideas about that by the way, I just need more time and energy, arf!).

I started implementing and reviewing it immediately after our conversation.

In the Squick group, Isobel mentioned that EPF2 was already up for sale. And yes, it seems that if you know the URL, you can buy it. But I would recommend that you wait until Monday. If I like the product, you will be able to save 30%.

Haha, even if I don’t like it, you can save 30%, but in that case, I’ll tell you about it, and I’ll let you know what I don’t like.

I’m leaving my computer now to take my weekly day off, but I’ll be back Sunday to continue the review.

Your own viral picures

You’re probably already sharing pictures on your blog, on Facebook (I see a lot of shares there) or on Pinterest.

Instead of copying everybody else’s pictures, how about making your own?

Then you would truly have something to be proud about when you see your pictures getting shared by your friends, prospects and business partners.

Thanks to Tina Golden’s little pearl of a book, it’s easy to obtain that.

I posted a review on my blog here:

And you can go directly to the product’s page to see what it’s all about. But I recommend that you read my review, because it will tell you more, I think.

Funny Stuff

Epic fail 😉

Best regards,

P.S. It’s weekend! 😀

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