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You can learn a lot from studying what successful people do.

Some advice comes free. Like you sign up to join somebody’s list, and you study how he writes his mails, which products he promotes, stuff like that.

I do that a lot. Well, almost. I don’t just join a list to get a freebie. Those are mostly not worth my time. But I do follow marketers after I’ve bought products from them.

Some are boring, others are inspiring. And of course, I’ll buy more from the inspiring ones to learn more.

This has taught me a lot, and given me several good laughs, too, for example:

  • When a marketer promotes a product he clearly doesn’t use himself (like an autoresponder).
  • When several marketers use the same swipe mail, given by the vendor, and even mail out the same typo.

It has also taught me that you can’t reverse engineer everything. Sometimes you need to hear it from the vendor himself to learn what thoughts lie behind his decisions.

When you can get your hands on stuff like that, it’s worth listening to.

That’s why it makes me proud to be able to present the “150K Millionaire Audio Files”. These are recordings made by a famous marketer. I am not allowed to reveal his name, but his first name is Eric (he says so himself in the audio), and his second name sounds almost like a famous French museum that holds the original Mona Lisa painting.

Can you learn from him? I know that I did, and the funny thing is that every time I listen to these files (I’ve done it five times already) I learn something new.

Get your copy here

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