Sell me that pen

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Did you watch that movie?

“The Wolf of Wall Street” impressed me a lot. I really liked the movie, and Leonardo DiCaprio’s performance in it. Not a totally bad guy. Definitely not a good guy either.

He’s a salesman at heart, though, and he’s not the only one. Among his friends is one who got it. When Leonardo’s character, Jordan Belfort, asks him to “sell me that pen”, the friend does no such thing.

He uncovers a need. He asks Leonardo for a signature. Belfort replies, “I can’t do that. I have no pen.”

There you are.

A need, a problem, and the solution.

Of course he would buy.

A lot of people don’t make it online with their marketing, because they are selling. Or they are afraid of selling, and therefore they never start.

But it’s not about selling. It’s about uncovering needs. Solving problems. Helping people.

When you do that, the selling becomes automatic. The customer does all the work for you.

How do you learn to do that?

It’s not something you can expect to read about in one short book and then master the following hour. It takes time and repetition. It takes daily action.

Sure, you can figure this out for yourself.

But if you want a faster route, you should take a look at my “24 Days to Success”.

I truly believe that if you really focus on what I take you through in 24 days and act on it, you’ll recoup what you invest.

I’m giving you all you need to start a real online business that will grow and grow. (Just like it did for my friend Mike, who went through the course and started making good money.)

Click here to give yourself a chance

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