Aw, she gave me her teddy

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Several times per day, my dog Nefnef turns into Nagnag. A shikoku is not a dog you can ever make obedient, but I still work on her behavior as much as I can.

In order to save my head from exploding, I’ve thus introduced fixed go-outside-to-pee times.

  • In the morning (after 6 am).
  • At 1pm
  • At 4pm (grand tour to the park)
  • Before bed (around 11pm)

Today, she started nagging 12:15 pm and I told her to stop. She went under the table with a huge sigh. 12:55 pm she emerged, grabbed her teddy, whimpered, and gave me her teddy.

Principles or not, she broke down the wall around my heart, and I took her outside.

How does a dog find out that trading works? She’s done it before, and I usually give in to her, when she does. I think it’s so sweet and so clever.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you that the price of Bart Hennin’s and Stuart Turnbull’s “Printable Profits Empire” is about to go up. They offered it at an introductory price until Monday at midnight EST.

In case you didn’t see my previous mail, it’s an ebook and video course that teaches how you can build your own, highly profitable business selling digital products on Etsy.

No – or almost no – writing necessary.

Bart sent me a copy of the mail he’d sent to his list, and it included a FAQ. I thought I would share it with you here. Other than that, I’ll invite you to check out the sales page. Like me, Bart doesn’t believe in blind copy, so you’ll see exactly what you get and none of the usual “this course it not”-BS.

Q Is this new course similar to any of your previous courses like Prints Make Profits or Your Etsy Profit Machine?

A No, this is a completely new business idea that we have never discussed before.

Q If lots of people buy your course won’t the business model become saturated?

A Absolutely not! As you know the course is about creating printables that you sell over and over again as electronic files (create once and profit many times) – we have chosen one of the biggest and most popular online (and offline) trends as the subject matter for your creations. This trend has been developing for years and is still growing exponentially and will continue to do so for a long long time.

Q Is this idea evergreen?

A Yes, very much so! – I feel this is as evergreen as you can get as this product is a consumable – your customers will always want more!

Q Can this be scaled?

A Definitely! – Just keep expanding your number of printables offered (we show you how) and keep building your loyal customer base! (all covered in the course).

Check it out here

* Sent to my money-online list and my Kindle writer list.

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