We had dinner, and Nefnef licked our plates as usual, when my husband, Cyril, noticed that one of her eyes looked swollen.
Hm… nah, maybe not after all. But soon after there was no doubt. Her right eye and right side of her muzzle plus a little of her left side were swollen. And she was itching, the poor dog.
It scared me. I had no idea what caused it. Curry in our food? No, she’d had that before. An insect that had stung her? Maybe. We decided to call the vet if she wasn’t doing better today at noon.
Fortunately she was. But such a scare is horrible.
Health, pets, children aren’t the only things that can cause a scare. Most people are afraid of public speaking, and even writing emails can be scary.
Back in 2004, when I reached my first 100 subscribers, I suddenly got scared… I got over it, learned, kept learning, and now I’m sharing what I know with others.
For a limited time you can get my latest ebook about emailing for a very low introductory price.
It will help you over the hurdle most people have of getting started writing their emails. And it will give you a template you can use and tweak and make your own. It has helped my open rate to go above 28% and raise my conversion, too.
You can use it, even if you don’t have a list yet. Just put your “emails” on Facebook or GooglePlus or at other social sites.
This will make writing emails a safe area for you. You’ll feel certain of what you’re doing, even if you’re new to it.
Get the time limited offer here http://malka.biz/siboc