I’m more moderate these days 😉 I delete subscribers who haven’t opened or clicked a link in a mail in six weeks.
Back, when I started out around year 2000, I once made 2,000 people unsubscribe, because my auto-responder kept sending the same message. 18 times was the record, ouch.
Another time, I didn’t know how AWeber’s system worked, so I raged against those who marked my mails as spam and told them to unsubscribe. That resulted in a lot of unsubscribes from people who felt insulted.
Then, of course, there were the numerous different forms and shapes of my mails… All that learning and experimenting is good, but often expensive. It costs sales and unsubscribes.
Where am I today? Still learning. I’ll always be learning. I pay at least $100 per month to stay updated with the latest psychology and tips about email marketing. It’s my passion. I love it.
Today, I’m sharing an email template I came up with a while back.
It did WONDERS to my opening rate (29% in one niche, always way above 20% in all niches) and to my conversions.
I call it the SIBOC template, because that will help you to remember the five main points to add to your mails. Of course, if you don’t have a mailing list yet, you can use the same structure on Facebook or other (ethical) social media places.
For a limited time you, as a loyal subscriber, can get this template with full explanations in a PDF ebook for only $9.96.
And if you need a product to sell yourself, you can buy Private Label Rights with the ebook for only $19.96.
This is crazy cheap, so I’ll raise that latter price Sunday 11am EST to $27.96.
For your eyes only http://malka.biz/siboc