A poop moment

This post may contain affiliate and ad links for which I earn commissions.

In Israel people are really direct. They don’t shy away from asking you all sorts of questions, like your income, what you do for a living, and how much you paid for your dog.

When I walk Nefnef to the park, that’s the number 1 question I’m asked. Number 2 is “does she bite?”

The directness also shows up under other circumstances. They aren’t embarrassed by striking up a conversation while my dog is pooping. Once, I met a friend, who attempted to shake my hand while I was cleaning up after my dog. There I was with poop in my hand, saying hello.

Okay, not directly in my hand. I used a poop bag, of course.

You know, those bags that dog owners carry poop in.

Which got me thinking…

I wish there were poop bags for bad and scammy Internet marketing courses.

I’d have to empty it every day.

There is so much re-digested crap out there in the IM world it’s hard to figure out what’s real and what’s not.

Take this course for instance…

Five Dollar Posts: How to get 500 subscribers a day from Facebook.


You might be wondering if that’s pure puppy poop or what since it’s not priced at $600 like Mark Dawson’s or Chris Rocord’s, or $1,000 like Donald Wilson.

The price is low, and you might be so used to being disappointed after shelling out your hard-earned cash to Internet marketers that you’re skeptical about this one.

Well, I bought this course myself and I can assure you, it is the real deal.

In fact, it is so comprehensive I am shocked that it is just $37. It should be $197 or more!

So if you plan to EVER do any paid advertising for your business, THIS could be the best bang for your buck. It’s still some of the best I’ve ever seen.

Check it out here http://malka.im/ronfbads

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