Last spot still open – who wants it?

This post may contain affiliate and ad links for which I earn commissions.

Yesterday I emailed you about a limited offer I’m making to write a nonfiction Kindle book or info product for a very low price.

I’ll write it myself, so the quality will be assured. 🙂

And you get to pick the topic!

Or, I can help you pick one if you are not sure. No worries.

I have one spot still open and I’d like to fill it today. So somebody rush over and snag it asap.

Just go here:

This is not something I’m likely to offer again (not at this price, anyway), so take advantage of me while you can. 🙂

Seriously, this is a great deal. I really want to help you by creating a book or info product you can put your name on with pride. Let’s do that and get you on the path to some online income.

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