You know I’ve been a fan of time tracking tools for years…
But Thursday last week, I downloaded a tool that made my brain go "poof"!
It happened during the day, so I wasn’t even in huge getting-things-done-mode from the start, but I got so much done!
I utilize all the automation tools I can get my hands on, because they save time and makes work loads fun to do.
So I had pomodoro timer tools I used, but last week I went hunting for a tool where I could set individual timers.
One task would take an estimated 5 minutes, while another would take 15 and a third would take 30 minutes.
I also wanted to plan my day in the morning and set up all the tasks.
That way I could be sure to get the things done I had on my list and that I didn’t procrastinate.
Work, break, work, break, work, done 😀
I highly recommend it. It made a HUGE impact on my productivity.
Here’s a primitive first look at my Thursday. After that, I went through the tutorial hehe 😀 Now I’m using optimal settings that fit my daily routines plus the unexpected.
Click HERE to get productive == >