20 years ago today -> My last day at work

This post may contain affiliate and ad links for which I earn commissions.

Monday morning, 7am… My alarm clock went off, I opened my eyes and thought:

Oh, no! I wish it were Friday!

That morning I took an important decision. I didn’t want to spend my life wishing for time to pass.

Shortly after I went to my boss (who had psychic abilities, by the way) and when he saw me enter his office that morning, he said: "Oh, no! Are you going to quit?"

It had been a tough decision, because I really liked my boss.

But today, June 30th, 20 years ago, I had my last day at work.

I kept in contact with my boss until his death, but I have never regretted quitting my day-job.

Sure, there have been hard times:

  • People who didn’t pay as promised.
  • Oddly disappearing checks.
  • Unkept promises.
  • Things that looked good on the surface, but wasn’t.
  • Product creators who don’t pay their affiliates.

It happens all the time.

In January, I was supposed to receive $225 from a company. Unfortunately, they sold it and told the new buyers that there were no unpaid affiliates. Bye bye money.

Today, I expected $1280 from the Danish libraries. The money is not on my account, and I don’t know why, and they haven’t answered my email.

If you’re going to quit your day-job, you should expect things like that to happen from time to time.

But freedom and the possibility to choose what I want to do is worth it all to me.

Being Your Own Boss – THAT’s the Best Job in the World

At least I think so.

Help me celebrate my 20 years anniversary

I’m going celebrate today (my last day at work) and tomorrow (my first day in freedom) by giving you a freebie and two discount offers.

  • Freebie – it took me several hours to find a real good product to offer you today. I picked "Tumblr Profits" and you can get it by clicking the image further down.
  • The RARE millionaire files revealing how to get to $150,000 yearly for $20 instead of $47 -> http://malka.biz/150k/ Use Coupon Code "20yUSD"
  • 20% off the big "Your Own Business in Three Months" package. Pay only $959 instead of $1,199 -> http://malka.biz/your-own-online-business-in-three-months/ Use Coupon Code "20years"

Click on the image below to get Tumblr Profits for free

This freebie is only free today and tomorrow, so grab it now, before you forget.

Click on the image to get Tumblr Profits for free

2 thoughts on “20 years ago today -> My last day at work”

  1. Congrats. I really do appreciate you made that decision. I would never have met you – or your husband – if I hadn’t been to your course in spreadsheets, and it is amazing to think how long ago that actually is today. Time does indeed fly.
    Best regards 🙂

    1. Thank you, Henrik

      Wow, you’re right. In a couple of years, we have known each other for 20 years. Fantastic 🙂

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