Why write children’s books?

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Hi 🙂

It’s still weekend, and I hope you’re having a great time.

I have a question for you: Have you considered writing kid’s books?

Maybe you’ve never even thought of becoming a children’s author…

Why would you?

If you saw my mail from yesterday, you know that I wrote about 10 excellent KD kid’s plots, but…

you might still be wondering what that had to do with you.

Could be nothing, or there could be almost 10 billion reasons.

$9.66 billion by 2015

Yes, that’s an impressive number.

That’s the number the Global Industry Analysts group predicts the world children’s publishing market will grow to.

And that’s even without the young adult’s book series like Harry Potter ($15 billion) and Twilight ($7 billion).

It’s huge!

And there’s room for everyone to get a piece of the cake.

You shouldn’t ignore those numbers…

And you shouldn’t ignore it when a big chance presents itself like it does now with these children’s plot: http://malka.im/e/kdkidsplots

What’s Inside

I got a review copy of the KD Kid’s Plots, and I’m truly impressed with the quality.

You get one PDF file with 10 plots.

For each plot you have the story overview, the characters, and a detailed description of what happens in each chapter.

To avoid that each book written after these plots are all equal, Tim Castleman (who collected the plots) has create a great instructive video that shows you how to make your books totally unique with the help of a few simple or advanced tricks.

The PDF file and that video makes it easy to come up with a book.

But you should go and take a look yourself => http://malka.im/e/kdkidsplots

Best regards,
Britt Malka

P.S. The plots are only for sale for a few days. Grab them now before it’s too late. http://malka.im/e/kdkidsplots

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