Hi there
You’ll want this link in a moment: http://malka.im/e/epf2
- 2 hours left
- Worried about locked lenses?
- How to Use Your Own Amazon Link
- Funny Stuff
- Don’t Forget the Good Stuff From Last Time
2 hours left…
Of course, you can still get Sara Young’s brilliant course about affiliate marketing (in particular Amazon) after that moment, but if you’re looking for a good deal, now is the time to take action.
Worried about locked lenses?
With all that talk about locked Squidoo lenses (without warning, of course), a lot of people are worried.
Did you get Easy Paycheck Formula 2? And are you hesitating before creating any lenses with it?
I just moved my lens to my kitchen gadget blog. It will work just as well there.
And this is what a member of our Facebook Squick club has to say about it:
But the techniques would work for any platform and your own website too – without the fear of getting your hard work deleted. I love her research methods so much that I’m researching a ton and not moving on to the next steps LOL!
So if the worry for Squidoo’s future is holding you back, don’t!
Easy Paycheck Formula 2 is a great product that will teach you the basics of affiliate marketing in detail (pdf and video), and you can use this knowledge on any platform.
You have two hours to get it with a discount: http://malka.im/e/epf2
How to Use Your Own Amazon Link
I was born knowing everything about HTML… Nah, not really 😉 But back when I started, I didn’t have a choice. It was either learn it, or don’t put anything online.
In this blog post I share how you use your own Amazon (or any other) affiliate link on your blog or at any place, where you can use HTML.
Funny Stuff
You know those “share this picture with all your friends, including the one who sent it to you, and you’ll get $417,987 during the next 7 1/2 hours, get rid of your worst enemy, get tax money back, and the frog you’re kissing every morning will turn into a prince?
Well… This is slightly different. See if you can spot the deviation.
Don’t Forget the Good Stuff From Last Time
Product Creation
Bad sound but good content…
That’s my verdict so far.
Check it out here: http://malka.im/e/meteor
No product, no list, no selling…
How can you make money without your own product? Without having a mailing list?
In fact, without selling?
That’s what affiliate marketing is all about, and there are very few courses I recommend on that topic.
One of the best is this one which you can get with a huge discount if you get it withing 24 hours:
Best regards,
P.S. Want the best affiliate marketing course for the lowest price? Grab it here => http://malka.im/e/epf2