Hi there 🙂
We went out to get lunch today.
Lunch: a shawarma and a Red Bull 😀
The weather was awesome, and we decided to walk a bit more around and see our city afterwards.
It feels so good to take a break like that.
I won, yay!
Di Heuser offered a free homepage for a book, and I won!
I feel like a queen – leaning back, giving her the keys to my site and just wait to see what she’ll build on it.
I’m used to setting up my own blogs. Adding design (sort of) and stuff.
This is cool!
If you want to see what Di can do, take a look here: https://www.facebook.com/di.heuser/posts/10151313047816324
What? No tips today?
My 3G internet is rather slow, so I couldn’t find anything that I thought you would love. I should hopefully be back tomorrow afternoon 🙂
Funny Stuff
Even bad things can carry something good. This is me without Internet connection:
Best regards,
P.S. If you have any tips you would like me to share, let me know. And don’t be shy 😉