Closing in 4 hours, Super simple videos, Ouch my thumb, Time tip, Don’t disturb (funny)

This post may contain affiliate and ad links for which I earn commissions.


You’ll want this link in a moment:

My thumb is hurting. So I made an “aie” sound (or oy…) and my husband noticed. He asked me what was wrong, and I told him.

Probably either the trackpad for my Mac or the mouse for my gamer PC, I said.

And then he told me how he’d changed the settings for his trackpad. Oh wow! A revelation! Sooon it will be bye-bye hurting thumb.

Today, I have plenty of interesting things to share with you.

If you like creating Squidoo lenses and/or make money with Amazon, then you have 14 hours left to do a bargain purchase.

If you want to create super-easy videos to for your readers or to make better info-products, then I have a super-cheap bargain for you.

If you want to laugh, then I have a funny picture for you.

If you want to know what time it is in Alaska, when it’s 11PM on the Northpole, or something more relevant, then I have a homepage for you (with a video, made by me, LOL).

I think that’s about sums it up. So let’s get started.

Closing in 4 hours – Easy Paycheck Formula 2 (Amazon affiliate course)

According to Sara Young, this is the last few hours you can get Easy Paycheck Formula 2 with a 30% discount.

She’s really put a lot of work into this course. You get both over-the-shoulder videos and transcripts, and you’ll learn EVERY step you need to learn to make money with Amazon (or other affiliate portals) and using only free means.

The upsell is a monthly membership, where you get access to some really helpful tools as well as one new fast money-making tip every month.

Go and read my full review here, so you’ll know exactly what you get:

Or skip directly to the sales page, if you’re already made up your mind:

Today is not a good day to stay on the fence. Because that would mean that you have to pay more, when it launches May 7.

Super Easy Videos (Super Low Priced Course)

If you’re not into the advanced video creating stuff but want it to be painless, fast’n’furious, then you’ll love this course by John Schwartz.

As you know, if you’ve been following me for a while, I’m a huge fan of John Schwartz. I really love his products. They all focus on one thing, and one thing only, and they explain it so well.

This is where you’ll want to go in a moment to learn more =>

He’s an excellent writer, and he uses videos to support the more advanced steps of his courses. Nothing complicated. Just showing over his shoulder how he formats e-books or stuff like that.

When you read John’s books, you can almost hear his voice, because he uses a language that’s so easy to understand. I always get a feeling of a calm, honey-deep voice, soothing me and making me calm with his words.

And as you know, I’m not crazy about making videos.

Yet, reading this book, it made me feel like cuddling up and just listen, and then get the job done without anxiety.

Which was exactly what I did, even while reading the book. Yes, I made a short video, haha.

John also talks about what to do if people hate watching videos.

And instead of recommending expensive programs, he tells us about an application you can use either through your browser or download (at least to Mac and Windows). You can use the free version, but John recommends the pro, which is $15 per year.

I noticed some awesome quotes, while reading this book. Some that spoke directly to me, like:

Editing your video can be down right dangerous if you are someone who is easily distracted.

Who? Me? Oh, wow, the sun is finally shining. We had rain again today. I guess that’s a blessing, when you’re living in a desert country, but I would love to see some sun soon…

Oh, sorry!

Back to the book: Yes, John shows you how you can edit the video and avoid being a perfectionist. Because perfectionism will keep you from getting things done.

I highly recommend that you grab John’s book. It’s only $5, so do yourself a favor and grab it here =>

Funny Stuff

Haha, I loved this way of avoiding disturbance.

Time Tip

If you want to know what time it is where you live, when something happens, say at 11AM EST tomorrow, then check out this great site:

It’s free to use, and very easy. I made a video about it, and you can see it here:

Cool, eh?

Best regards,

P.S. If you have any questions about Sara Young’s course, please ask, either here or as a comment to my review:

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