Hello there 🙂 I’m going to continue this review of “Niche Review Website Blueprint“, a course about building minisites with Amazon or other affiliate products on. You can jump to the first part here, or the third here. After this part, I’m going to add a conclusion, and then you should know all there is to know about this product by Kurt Chrisler. (That’s him on the photo, by the way.)
Yesterday, I ordered a couple of articles written for my mini-site. It’s the first time I’ve ever done that, and today, I’ll tell you about my experience with that.
I’m also going to walk you through the final step of this course. So let’s get started.
Outsourcing Article Writing – My Experience
I’ve never done it before, and to be honest, I don’t know if I’ll do it again.
Okay, I followed Kurt Chrisler’s instructions and went to iWriter, where I put in my article request, just like he showed us. He told us that he always chose the cheapest solution, and didn’t even go for premium or elite writers. I’m an Elite writer myself at iWriter, and I’ve always told people to request only from Elite writers.
Here I did what Kurt suggested and went for the cheapest solution, which mean that I had to go through a couple of useless articles first and refuse them and give some poor writer one star. I felt bad about that, even though they had poor ratings in the first place. It looked as if they’d put work into it, but just didn’t have the abilities to write better.
If I ever buy articles again, I’ll only request them from Elite writers, just like I’ve been telling others to do.
I received two articles that both were okay. Neither of the two writers had followed my guidelines, although they were short and clear. For example, I asked for “a list of pros and cons”, and neither of the writers listed the pros and cons.
So I accepted the two acceptable articles with a four star rating, and added the listings myself, as well as corrected some things inside the articles that just wasn’t like I wanted it.
Time: Probably longer than it would have taken me to write it myself. However, if you’re not a writer, it’s still helpful. I would just recommend using Elite writers only.
Did you get it?
Now, you cannot come and say that I didn’t tell you about that 😉
About, Disclosure, Etc.
Yesterday, I wrote that Kurt didn’t say anything about these pages: About, Disclosure, Disclaimer, etc.
I recommend that you get them, and you can read more about how to do it in my blog post here.
Step 10: Getting Backlinks
Okay, I’ve never done a lot of backlinking, and I’m not going to start, and luckily, Kurt introduces this video by saying that we don’t need to do a lot, since we’re targetting low-competition keywords.
After a reasonable method of getting backlinks, he mentions one I’m not going to use: Spinning. Sorry, I just don’t believe in it. I don’t care if you name the product “the best spinner” or not. I’m not going to use it.
Kurt doesn’t go into detail with the things we’re supposed to do here. I guess he figures that people already know, and of course, it’s only a minor part of the course. And again, for this price, I wouldn’t expect a detailed walk-through of every step of this course.
And he does answer a question about that part. You can still ask him other questions. According to earlier clients, he’s answering very fast. This is also my experience, from when I’ve sent him questions through email.
Right, now he talks about something I know works great, and which I often forget to use. I’m going to implement it in the future, and he gives nice tips to get it right.
Oh, yes, and what comes after is true, too. It shouldn’t take so long to do, although he only gives a few details about this step. He gives useful hints, though, and it’s enough to get me started.
Kurt doesn’t mention the big social sites, like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, etc., but I’m going to use them, too, since I’ve had good experiments with those already – especially the combination Pinterest/Amazon works incredible good.
This part is probably the most time-consuming part of the whole set up. I would think, though, that you should be able to set up a minisite like this and get backlinks in less than a week. This is my fourth day working on it, and I’ve not been working full time on this project.
So, you should aim for one new site per week, or maybe one per month, and then relax and enhance three weeks per month.
This whole setup-procedure is very simple. I used to think that if it’s simple, then it didn’t work. But I remember testing what I learned with “Easy Paycheck Formula” – which is hyper simple – and to my huge surprise, it worked! So now, when I see something simple, I don’t jump to conclusions.
I still think that if it’s very simple, like this course, or like EPF, then it probably works best with not too expensive products. I mean, I would buy a miniature screwdriver set just after watching the picture. I don’t need 1,000 words of reviews for that. However, if I were going to invest in a new computer, I would need more indepth explanations. I guess I’m not alone in this.
That’s it for today. My weekend starts in a few hours, and I’m going out to dinner tonight. My husband and I officially declaired our love for each other 16 years ago, so that’s worth celebrating. I plan to be back Sunday with a conclusion to this review, and I’ll go into topics like Squidoo, short/long reviews, the One Time Offer for this product and more.
Stay tuned, as they say.
Oh, and if you found this review interesting, you can get Niche Review Website Blueprint for a very attractive low price here.
As this is a simple strategy, would you say that it is something that you could completely outsource?
Oh and Happy Aniversary! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks, Victoria 🙂
If you can find a good writer, then yes, almost everything could be outsourced.
Kurt says that we should find the topics ourselves and write the short texts for the front page ourselves, but he outsources the rests of the texts.
And setting everything up can be outsourced.
I think it all boils down to finding somebody you can trust the writing to.