Hi there 😀 I got a great question today in my inbox at the Warrior Forum. A potential customer asked me how many Squidoo lenses do you need before you start seeing $1000 per month earnings?
Although you cannot give a written in stone answer to that question, I was surprised to find an answer online.
The numbers are from 2010, so I guess we would need fewer lenses today, but take a look, and then do the calculations:
If you spend one hour per day, creating four lenses per day, four days per week, how soon could you be making $1,000 per month?
From 0 to $1,000 in 36 Weeks
Caroline South has taken a few lensmasters and shared their number of lenses and income.
From those numbers she has calculated an average monthly income per lens of $2.00. The Median is $1.56, so she figures that if we say $1.75 per lens would be reasonable.
It’s then a simple calculation to figure out that we need to have 571 lenses to earn $1,000 per month.
Let’s say that we create four Squick lenses per day (that’s roughly one hour per day), four days a week (remember: the fifth day is meant for editing and improving existing lenses), then we can create 571 lenses in 36 weeks.
Does that sound like a lot of time?
But I discovered something interesting on that Squidoo lens about earning.
The Low Income Lensmasters Gave Up
Take a look at the income Caroline South quotes. Let’s start at the bottom.
Almost all of the lensmasters who made less than $1 per lens have created very few lenses since.
Whereas those who made a lot more than $1, have created huge amounts of lenses since.
Greekgeek is quoted for earning $300 per month, but I read somewhere that she makes several thousands now. So it’s definitely worth continuing to make lenses.
And I noticed something else: Those who made more than $1 per lens, also updated their lenses more frequently.
Although you cannot give a fixed number of lenses as an answer to the question: how many lenses do I need to make $1,000 per month, there are some points you need to take into consideration, if you want to make money on Squidoo, and according to Caroline South those are:
There are no startup fees
You need to give it at least 6 months
It is a great learning experience
Its fun
Average earnings per lens are about $1-$2/month
You need lots of lenses
You need unique, researched quality lenses
So have fun, while you’re creating your next set of lenses.
I don’t know that the number of lenses has anything to do with how much you earn. I earn only a few cents per month off my Squidoo lenses. On Hubpages, I have about 300 hubs (articles) and make $100 a month. I know people with only about 50 hubs who make over $1,000. I think it’s more about the types of subjects you write about and the marketing you do with them.
I had a few hubs but absolutely no luck with them. I think they deleted them, because they were about affiliate products. But I’ve really fallen in love with Squidoo. The network. The quests. The point system. The achievements… They make it so much fun to create lenses and maintain them.
Just quick FYI. I made my first sale from a squick lens. One of the cookie cutter lenses. Just an $8 product. The two cookie cutter lenses are both among my top 4 lenses now and getting the most traffic of all my squidoo lenses actually… I still have 5 more squick lenses to finish off my 25 for the challenge.
I’d say $5 a lens is more realistic if you follow squid quo that is and use your own amazon links. My two month old squid pro quo lenses are making $2-3 each one they get older they should start earning at least $4.