Oh My! What a Day!

This post may contain affiliate and ad links for which I earn commissions.

Hi there 🙂 How’s your day been?

Mine has been good, well, mostly. Because I’ve had three major issues that really sucked! Especially because they are annoying and take time. I had eight things on my to-do-list for today, and so far (it’s 10:30 PM), I’ve only finished one of them. And then that one is touched by issue one below.

FSO ban

1: I got banned on the Forum Special Offers forum.

2: A reader bought an affiliate product through my link and didn’t get a login. Site owner unreachable (big name I trust).

3: Payoneer only accept private payments up to $300 per months, so we had payments denied.

Right, let me tell you more about what happend.

I Got Banned on the Forum Special Offer Forum

I’m preparing a product launch January 17, 1PM EST, and since I have affiliates for it, I wanted to use the ForumSpecialOffers.com (FSO) instead of Warrior Forum. It’s $20 cheaper, and people say it’s more focused.

Just like on Warrior Forum, they have a private and closed test forum to test forum posts on.

Before I ran “5-Minute Money Makers” as a WSO, I tested the sales letter there. Added and removed pictures. Added payment buttons, centered them, because they looked ugly, tested and tweaked.

When I was satisfied, I sat up the real WSO and ran it with success.

I had some kind of idea about it being the same on FSO.

I’m used to HTML and PHP, but rarely use BB-code, which is used on forums, so my test today included adding the payment buttons from JVZoo. I had to have everything ready just to copy and paste before the 17th. I don’t want to risk a site that’s not working, etc. So I also wanted to run the test sale through that test forum.

Well, that wasn’t to be…

After having finished the first draft, I did something else, and then I returned to the forum to copy the code obtained so far.

Then I saw the above message:

“You have been banned for the following reason: posting an offer with buy buttons on test forum Date the ban will be lifted: 01-14-2013, 08:00 PM”

I was like WTF? (but i don’t swear)

Was that against their rules? I had to check, because I didn’t remember seeing that. Impossble to check their FAQ as a banned member. Well, on to another browser and try again without being logged in.


I searched for “test forum”, “buy buttons” and several others related things, but nothing. Not a word about that being so very forbidden.

I’ve contacted them through a link at their site, but haven’t heard back yet.

Maybe I should just go with the good old Warrior Forum instead?

Reader Didn’t Get Login from Affiliate Product

I’ve been promoting the Unstoppable Affiliate ever since I bought it in 2011, but yesterday a reader contacted me, because he’d paid for it but not received a login.

I tried Andrew Hansen’s support site, but it was down due to a missing key. I tried all the email addresses I had on him, but I haven’t heard back from him.

I hate when something like that happens, because I have recommended a product in good faith, and then somebody trusts me an buy and doesn’t get what he paid for.

So I’ve removed all posts (I hope) about this product as well as the ads I had for it – and it will stay that way, unless Andrew Hansen gets back to me, and his support site is functioning again.

I gave the reader a compensation, but I don’t think it’s satisfying all the same. I hope to hear from Andrew Hansen, soon, because he’s one of the guys I trust. Maybe he’s been hacked again?

Payoneer Said ‘No’ to Money We Should Have Received

Yeah, that really sucked!

My husband is selling a Danish product, and we accepted payments directly to our Payoneer card. And then we received an email later from Payoneer that they only accept private payments up to $300 per month to avoid fraud or something.


Sweet Emails

But then on the bright side, I received several sweet emails from readers 🙂 Thank you 🙂 Those emails mean a lot to me. Much more than stupid issues with forums and debit cards 🙂

4 thoughts on “Oh My! What a Day!”

  1. Wow that sounds like you had quite a day! I had an interesting day too…at work. Not in a good way either.

    Thanks for the likes on my recent lenses. I have my 11th here. Only had energy after a LONG day to do one but I like it 🙂 Another in what will likely be a string of iPhone 5 accessory lenses… http://www.squidoo.com/striped-iphone-5-case

    Traffic Travis marked it as EASY 🙂 Squidoo initially told me the url was taken but I tried a second time and it wasn’t (odd eh?)

    Do you think the ppl at Squidoo will approve of this style of lens in my application for giant squid? I’m not so sure but I gave it a shot. They might since they are ranked well and show the reader exactly what they want!

    1. Great lens! Those iPhone cases look good. And thanks for the tip about trying a second time to see if the URL is free in Squidoo. I’ll do that next time 🙂

      Traffic Travis is a good program. It’s just a pity they don’t make it for a Mac. I had it on my PC, but since I only turn it on to play World of Warcraft, it felt very awkward to use it for working. So I bought Market Samurai instead.

      I think I had around 10 lenses, when I started to use the Squick method, and when I reached 25-27 (something around that number), I applied to become a Giant Squid. They tell you they’ll write back in a week, but I sent a reminder after 10 days and was approved – and got a Purple Star for a lens made using Tiffany Dow’s book: Squidoo Quick Commission Guide 😀

    1. No, I haven’t used FSO as a seller before. Only as a client. Still not a word from them, so I’m not sure I will ever be a seller there 😉 They are lifting the ban before my launch date, but with this treatment… I mean, being banned for posting a test post, which is invisible to others, and adding something to this test post, which is mentioned nowhere as illegal… They really have to come up with a good excuse, if I shall accept that treatment.

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