Article writing jobs can be hard to get, if you don’t know how to write a winning bid proposal.
Freelance Writing has written ten useful tips, if you are trying to land an article writing job on popular job sites like, or
On those job sites, article requesters will set up their demands, e.g. “we need ten articles about hair removal”, and if you want to write the articles, you have to post your bid proposal.
You will – most likely – have other competitors who do the same.
It is not always the lowest bidder who wins (luckily for us), and how you write your bid proposal matters.
Among the very useful tips about making the winning bids and getting the article writing jobs you’ll find, I chose this one, because it’s often there, ghostwriters go wrong:
Tip #2: Always read the project details beforehand.
In every writing assignment, the specs are important. Included in the project details, the buyer specifies exactly what the project includes and what he expects the freelancer to accomplish.
In assessing the buyer’s job description, ask the following questions: Do you qualify for the niche? Can you write on the topic with expertise? If you say Yes! on both counts, include relevant samples or references along with your bid.
If you don’t find enough details, you should either ask the requester, or don’t post your bid. You will find buyers who only give very vague details like “keywords: home improvement”, and when you deliver your article, they will tell you that this was not what they wanted.
Anyway, avoid those requesters. They will only cause you troubles.
I can add a Tip #11: Write proper English.
I see so many people write “i” instead of “I”, and “ur” instead of either “your” or “you are”.
If you want to land a serious job request, write accordingly.
What tips can you offer your fellow ghostwriters for making a winning tip?
yes It’s true freelance writing jobs can be hard to get.