Ten Tips for Easy Article Writing

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Easy article writing? Is that a dream only, or can it become reality for you?

When you feel that article writing is easy, it shows in your article. Your result will be much better, since the words came flowing, almost all by themselves.

Your audience will not thank you for struggling with article writing. They will feel your pain as you strive with each phrase in your endeavor of coming up with an article.

Make it simple and fun. Here are ten tips for easy article writing that should get you going:

1: Use an article writing template

You can find tons of free article writing templates on Ezine Articles.

Ready for a funny little anecdote?

I once wrote an article about Jeff Heering’s instant article templates and submitted it to Ezine Articles. It was rejected! Scott, who were reviewing it, wrote:

Hi Britt,

I am showing that your article provides information on or promotes the use of PLR articles.

We DO NOT accept any PLR or re-written PLR articles and do not accept any articles promoting or providing information on PLR articles or re-writing PLR articles for article marketing or article submissions.

You may remove this article.

Thank you, Scott

I complained about it on Twitter, and Jeff Herring saw it. He contacted Ezine Articles, and I got this tweet from them:

Scott’s been reprimanded & retrained. Sorry about this.

Easy article writing

I hope they strictly forbit him to eat bananas for a week!

2: Know your topic

Obviously, the better you know your topic, the faster and easier it will be to write your article.

This means that if you write one article about a topic, you know little about, it will take you time. Write seven or twenty articles about the same topic, and you’ll crank them out faster than a speeding bully.

How do you get to know your topic better? By reading a lot about it, by doing it, and by writing a lot about it.

Did you know that the best way to learn something is to teach others about it?

Now’s your change to learn a topic in depth. Just teach somebody else about it in your articles. Make sure even your grand mother would understand your explanations.

I’ll tell you more about that further down in tip # 9.

3: Write an outline

“All good writers use an outline”, the speaker claims in this video. At least, you should build one in your head, if you don’t write it down.

This short tutorial video will show you the basics of how to write an outline.

4: Use only one topic per article

Don’t try to put everything into one article. If you have more than one topic, you want to write about, then write more than one article.

It will confuse your reader, if you add more than one topic into an article. He’ll ask himself where you’re going, and then he’ll leave.

5: Write as you speak

If you’re trying to cringle out long and difficult words, your writings will sound difficult to digest.

Instead of writing about a troublesome, tiresome, trying, exasperating, awkward, demanding, perverse, contrary, recalcitrant, unmanageable, obstreperous, unaccommodating, unhelpful, uncooperative, disobliging; hard to please, fussy, finicky; formal refractory child, why not just write a difficult child?

(I like the sound of obstreperous, though.)

6: Use Dragon Dictate

If you talk faster than you type, you can get good help to writing your article with Dragon Dictate. After you’ve trained it a bit, you can just dictate your articles in no time.

7: Write around a keyword

No inspiration? Hit a writer’s block? Go and look-up a keyword and let it inspire you. By writing about one keyword, or rather a key phrase, you’ll also make sure that you’re only writing about one topic.

8: Get inspiration from three sources

A fast way to research an article, is by doing a search on Google/Yahoo or Bing.

Find three different sources; read through them fast and take notes. Close down your browser, and write your own unique article.

9: Use who, what, where, when, and why (or how)

In classic journalism you’re told to start an article by explaining who, what, where, when, and why (or how).

Do that, and you have a structure that is easy to use.

Make Easy Article Writing Even Simpler

Take the who, what, where, when, and why (or how) at step further and use it to make sure to touch all learning styles.

The first time I heard about this writing and learning style was from Jason Fladlien in his eBook about how to write an eBook in 48 hours.

The system is called the 4Mat, and it builds on the fact that people are different and learn in different ways.

  • The people who want to know Why are motivated by priority.
  • Those who want to know What are motivated by evolution.
  • Those who want to find out How to are motivated by blueprints.
  • And those who ask What if are motivated by action.

Use this knowledge, when you write an article, and you’ll never just sit there without knowing what to write.

10: Include a story

People love to hear or read stories, and they are easy to write, too. Just take a relevant situation you’ve experienced, and describe it in your article.

Story-telling is a great tool to influence people. If you want to learn more about story-telling, I highly recommend this book: The Elements of Persuasion

Easy Article Writing is Not That Difficult

As you can see, a little bit of organisation before you write goes a long way. Start by using at least one of the ten tips, and you’ll soon be enjoying writing articles instead of seeing it as something you just have to get over with.

Easy article writing also means writing fast and flowing, and it will make your articles read much better.

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