I was asked to write about SEO Companies in Chicago and especially link to this SNG SEO Chicago company, but when I visited the site, my first thought was:
“Is this a joke?”
If it is, the joke’s not on me, because I’m getting paid to write this, but let’s look at a few things here that might be important, if you’re searching for SEO in Chicago – or just want to learn a bit about SEO in general.
First Impression
When I saw the task included the word “SEO” I had some expectations about what I was about to see. So when the site showed up in my browser window, I was shocked.
The top grapic was from the standard WordPress picture!
I thought “Is this a joke?”
But, of course, the search engines does not look at such things. I had just expected something very differently and much more professional.
There’s only one page with very little text that leads to a comment form. I posted a comment, and at this moment it’s awaiting moderation.
One of the words is split in a strange way: “yo” and on the next line “ur”.
So if this is not a joke, it can only mean two other things:
- A test.
- Ignorance.
Who Is Behind SNG Chicago?
There is no “About” page or any contact information. The site is using WhoisGuard protection.
It has been created recently – 19 July 2012.
There’s no way to find out who’s behind this site.
Do They Walk the Talk?
SNG Chicago writes about some of the things they do for clients. I noticed that they didn’t have any meta-tags themselves on this page, although this is one of the first things on the list.
Conclusion – A Test?
I cannot imagine that this site is serious. It’s not a joke, either. Could it be ignorance? Maybe – but why pay money for reviews then?
My guess is that this is a test to see if you can make a standard, ugly-looking WordPress blog rank with only one page of text, and only a scarce amount of onsite SEO, if you get enough back-links.
What’s your guess?