How to Make Easy Money for Kids

This post may contain affiliate and ad links for which I earn commissions.

A lot of my subscribers are in fact under 18, so I wanted to write a blog post about how to make easy money for kids.

While I was looking for an easy way for kids to make money online, I saw a lot of scam. Gosh! So instead of searching directly for that topic, I went the other way around.

I’d recently heard about a new site that is still in public beta. It could be something promising, though. And it’s so easy to use that kids can do it, too.

In fact, young people will probably love it, since it involves social media. But instead of talking, you can watch this short video below to see an easy way for kids to make money online.

How to Make Easy Money for Kids – With SociBuzz

SociBuzz makes it easy to use CPA (Cost Per Action), because you don’t have to sign up for the different networks yourself. You just have to sign up with SociBuzz, as shown in the video below, and add your Facebook account, Twitter, Google+, MySpace, LinkedIn and Tumbler. More will follow.

Choose your interests, or rather – what you usually write about on Facebook or Twitter, and you’re good to go.

Pick an advert that looks as if it might be interesting for your followers, and share. You make money, if somebody click.

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What I Like About SociBuzz

It’s easy to use. Sign up or sign in. Add your networks once and for all. And then pick an add to share.

This is an easy way for kids to make money, if you’re already using social networks.

Super-low minimum payment threshold. When you’ve made $1, you can get your money.

What I Don’t Like About SociBuzz

You cannot write your own tweets.

You don’t know what URL you send people off to (so this is quite a no-no for me, although I just tested this service). Neither the FAQ nor the terms & policy says whether or not you’re allowed to click on your own ads, but my guess is that you can’t, so even after sending out a tweet, you will not know what you’re promoting.

I hope that they’ll change this in the future. It’s a MUST for me to know what I recommend.

But for now, if you’re a kid (or an adult) and you want to make money the easy way, you can test this service. But read the adverts carefully.

5 thoughts on “How to Make Easy Money for Kids”

  1. Hey Britt,

    Thanks for writing this post about

    I am the owner and founder so I welcome the comments.

    Let me address what you don’t like as that’s the most critical.

    #1 – To a degree, we can’t allow writers to write their own ads because unscrupulous publishers would produce tweets such as “Hot Naked Girl Click Here hxxp://link”

    Then the link would go to an Auto Insurance site.

    #2 – You are right, the Publisher should be able to see the destination URL prior to posting, I have had this same idea – but I am going to get it moved up the slot in development. (GREAT IDEA!)

    Hope that helps!

    Michael Smith

  2. Thanks for this resource, Britt, which I’ll forward to some kids I know who are perennially starved for cash despite generous allowances. Since I also use these social networks, I’ll see if my social sites can take advantage of the opportunity. Quite amazing that the site owner has responded to your post. It gives him a lot of credibility in my book.

  3. These Makes allot of sense to me ‘ Having the owner of the site respond to the post shows How Loyal and determine He is but I have a personal question which on visiting the site I may still post to the admin – can a person from Nigeria also participate ? Because I tell You it will really
    be eradicating the extreme poverty in the country . I look forward to your response and here’s my e-mail address [deleted]. Thanks for your anticipated assistance .

    1. Hi Ewada – I removed your email address to avoid that you got a lot of spam.

      I don’t know if you can participate, if you live in Nigeria. But I think that you will find out, when you join the site.

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