I love to get questions from readers – especially if I can answer them 😀
This reader even praised my free e-book “Zero to Thousand” and said it had been inspiring him. Awesome!
Then he asked:
Please i would like to ask a favour of you. I searched for the meaning of “article marketing” yesterday and now have a background knowledge of it. Could you teach me how it works and how I can make money out of it.
Article marketing is actually one of those things I’ve loved doing, so it was a great pleasure to answer that question. Here’s my answer and my 5-Step Plan to article marketing money:
I can give you a brief overview.
In short, article marketing works like this:
– You find a product you want to promote (ClickBank, Amazon or other places, or you create your own).
– You make a landing page for that product. It can be a review on your own blog, or it could be a new domain that redirects to your affiliate link for that product.
– You write articles related to the topic of your product.
– You add a resource box to the article, and there you can link to the site or blog post you have your affiliate link on. Make sure to make it interesting for the reader to follow your link.
– You submit your article either to related blog owners for their ezines or blogs, or to article directories like EzineArticles.com
That was the very, very short version of how you can make money with article marketing.
For the long version … that will take several books. I’ve been studying that topic for years, and I’ve bought material from Jeff Herring, Rob Howard, John Schwartz, Paul Myers and others. You can also check what Alexa on the WarriorForum writes about article marketing.
If you want a blueprint, a step-by-step guide to follow, one of the best products is probably Sara Young’s “Easy Paycheck Formula”. A small blog I made on Blogger.com back in 2010, when I tested her product, still makes me money. I’m pointing to that blog with a few articles (1 or 2 I think), I wrote that same year and month. Take a look at it, if article marketing has your interest: http://getmoneymakingideas.com/go/epf – the material has been updated in 2011, and I know that Sara is working on a new update now or will be very soon.
Let me know if this helps 🙂