Affiliate Marketing Reviews With Alex Malave: Make $500 In 15 Days

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This has never happened to me before! I bought $500 in 15 days by Alex Malave last year in August, and I didn’t watch the videos. In fact, I totally forgot everything about my purchase, until tonight, where I saw the old receipt from Clickbank by coincident. You see, we moved last year in September, so I’ve probably been busy putting things in boxes, but that didn’t keep me from purchasing what seemed to be an interesting product.

Better late than never… A version 2 of Make $500 in 15 is on its way, but until I get it, I can only review version 1.

Alex Malave claims that with what you learn in this product, you can start from scratch and make $500 in 15 days. This is what you get:

18 videos, and some bonus videos.

Each video’s length is between 5 and 10 minutes – short and to the point.

  • You learn how to pick your product in a niche that makes money.
  • You learn how to buy a domain, and setup a free WordPress blog on it.
  • You learn how to write a review for a product and make money from it.
  • You learn how to drive traffic to your review site.

As you can see, this is all basic knowledge. It’s something you have to know, when you get started. If you already have sites online and make affiliate money, then you don’t need this product.

It doesn’t go into details about how to write articles, but you’ll learn that you have to have keywords in your subject line, and why it’s important to use articles with your affiliate marketing.

So, how does Alex Malave get to the amount $500 in 15 days?

He says that if you create a site that gets 1,000 visitors per month (33 per day), which converts with 1% for a $100 product, then you make $1,000 per month.

Will you get that from start? Not very likely, but if you don’t expect to make an over-night success, this is the way to go. You can either buy a domain for each product, you want to promote, or get one and make several reviews on it. I’ve tried both ways, and both ways work.

Over-all a good product for beginners who wants to do affiliate marketing reviews. You can watch a free video (8 mins) to learn how you can make your first sale in just 10 days:


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