On HubPages you can create as many blogs (called hubs) as you like, and only your imagination sets the limits for the subjects. People are writing about Egypt, movies, politics etc. You will get traffic to your hub very fast, and you can even make some decent money there.
If you join HubPages (free), you’ll be able to include your AdSense account, Amazon account and eBay account. 50 % of the commercials that is shown on your hubs, gives you money directly on AdSense, Amazon or eBay, when your guests click on these ads.
It’s easy to setup the system, I think. I’ve read that you can customize the looks of the page, but here and now mine are set as standard. You can see my profile here:
From there you can go to my hub(s) and read, what I’m writing.
As you will see, each hub has a hubscore that is calculated in an equally secret manner as Google’s pagerank. It has something to do with how many visits your hub has received, though. The hubs with the highest score are shown on the front page of HubPages. The score is updated every 10 minutes, and it can make significant changes.
Do you wish to find out more about creating a hub?
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