Pseudo-Experts Sabotage Internet Profits

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As an internet marketing coach, I’ve had people come to me with all kinds of projects.

And I’ve seen them succeed in all types of markets.

But there is one project I hate seeing.

That’s the person who wants to sell his, “How to Make $10,000 a Month Online in 3 Easy Steps.”

There are all kinds of variations on this, and it always come back to the same initial question.

My first question is, “How did you reach that goal of $10,000 a month online personally?”

The eventual response, that frustrates me to no end, is likely to come next, “I’m not there yet.”

Where do these people come from…and why do they come to me?

You don’t see me publishing any ebooks on how to get six pack abs.

I guess we all have a six pack under there…somewhere.

But they’ve never popped out and said “Hi” yet to me. An ebook on this subject isn’t in my immediate future.

Sorry to all those who were hoping for it!

Reading 3 books on the subject does not make an expert. If it did, I’d be a bodybuilding champ.

There’s something else. There is experience in the subject. There’s practice.

And you have produced results in your own life or for others!

A winning coach doesn’t have to be the best player, but they do have to know the fundementals.

They’ve proven they know how to get winning results out of their players.

This industry is filled with pseudo-experts who, “fake it till you make it.”

And it fills beginners with unrealistic expectations and sometimes dangerous mistakes.

This leads to the inevitable question, “How do you get started?

You get started by being authentic. Find a subject you have experience in and share that.

If you’ve lost 45 pounds and kept it off, then the world wants to know about it.

If you’ve spent 7 years as a corporate recruiter, there would a ton of people who want to know how to be recruited.

If you’ve built a successful dental practice, tell your secrets.

Get started with what you know and can share with others.

Let’s say you were a beginner and wanted to create a “Blogging” guide.

It shouldn’t be “Blogging for Millions” since you haven’t done that yet.

Instead show a beginner step-by-step how to get their first blog up and running, “The Beginner’s Guide to Blogging?”

It doesn’t need to be an encyclopedia of everything. It’s better off being focused on a specific topic you know.

Capitalize on what you have already accomplished.

You can bypass your own experience to a point by recruiting experts for interviews.

This way you’re sharing their knowledge with your audience.

You’ve got to work hard on building the relationships. You have to come up with a unique angle for your project.

And you’ve got to be willing to ask the tough questions as an advocate for your audience to make sure they give real usuable steps.

The real key here for the interview is being passionate and curious about the subject at the same time.

We don’t need anymore pseudo-experts online. We need experience, stories, and authentic advice…no matter what market you’re in.

You can create a profitable information business online, but the foundation should be real expertise.

Check out for a step-by-step guide on how to find the right ideas, pick your market, and begin developing valuable information products which help others.

Your Marketing Coach,
Terry Dean
“The Internet Lifestyle Mentor”
Earn More. Work Less. Enjoy Life!

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