This is the second of a series of reviews of article marketing products that will teach you to write articles faster and more effective. This review is about a 48 paged ebook called “Article Dominance“, written by Mark Thompson.
Article Dominance is — as its title implies — not only about how to write an article in 8 minutes, but also about how to make money with your articles. And there are good things to be said about the book, and some bad things as well.
The content of the book is broken into five sections:
- Article Marketing Concepts
- The Mechanics of Article Marketing
- Article Marketing Strategy
- Article Marketing Promotion
- Advanced Strategies
After you’re introduced to the author, you’ll get to know straight away that the book doesn’t include anything about how to select keywords etc., but you’ll get a link to a paid forum, if you want to learn more about it.
I haven’t visited the forum, but I would instead recommend using Easy Paycheck Formula, since this product gives you the best info about how to select keywords for your articles that I’ve ever read or seen.
In the first section, you’ll learn about a definition of article marketing, benefits, etc. This section is good for beginners, but there’s not really anything surprising in it for people, who already are doing article marketing. I like, though, that Mark Thompson also think that you should be writing an article differently, depending on its purpose. Are you using it for backlinks or traffic?
You’ll find the real good stuff begins at page 13 in part 2. You’ll learn how to write a killer headline/title, and the ideas that Mark Thompson provides here are really great! And you can use them straight away.
The way to write an article in 8 minutes are classic. Not much new to learn here, unless you haven’t ever written an article before. Good advice, but just nothing new.
No, but what I really enjoyed was the following part: How to write a resource box that converts readers to visitors (page 20).
Mark Thompson lists five different resource box styles with both structure, examples, and why they work. Real goodies!
After that, the book fades out, in my arrogant opinion. The brilliant resource box part is followed by a chapter about RSS feeds, but I didn’t find that very helpful. You’ll get a link to a paid plugin, but no real advice about how to use your RSS feed from the article directory.
I would also have liked to see more ideas and more details in the chapter named “How to Get Your Articles Indexed”.
Part 4 is way too short. Only one page about how to promote your articles.
Part 5 is mostly about how you can rewrite your articles to get more back links and better ranking. To be honest, more often than not, I stick with Ezine Articles, so the many pages in that section didn’t contain something I would use.
But all in all, it’s a product that’s worthwhile to invest in, I think, especially based on the pages about headlines and resource boxes.
Hi Britt,
As you know I use articles extensively in my marketing. I have purchased and applied several article marketing products to further my endeavors.
How would you rate this product compared to other article marketing products?
Also, I know I could just click the link to find out, but how much does “Article Dominance” cost and do you feel it’s worth the cost?
Hm, how would I rate it compared to others… hard question, because it has some qualities, others don’t have, and it lacks some that others have, but out of 5 stars, I would probably rate it 3.
The price is $19.97 right at this moment. I didn’t write the price, because I’ve often noticed that prices change.