The importance of article marketing is talked about all the time. But is it really so important?
Short answer? Yes, it is.
Article marketing creates both backlinks and traffic, and whether you run a blog or sell a product, you should utilize articles to make more money.
The problem, however, is that it takes time to create articles. For some people, even hours to write a single one.
In the following blog posts, I will review three products that claim to make you able to write more articles in less time.
The first is Jason Fladlien’s “How to Write an Article in 7 Minutes“
The second is a new book called “Article Dominance” by Mark Thompson. It aims to teach you how to write an article in 8 minutes.
And finally, my own book “How To Write 8 Articles in 2 Hours or less…“
It usually takes me about an hou to write a 400-500 word article. I look forward to learning ways to write articles faster.