[Fiction] Make writing real easy (mail 4 of 6)

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We just came back from Tel-Aviv. We had a lovely day there visiting our son.

He shares an apartment with three room mates, and they have two kittens.

One of the kittens fell from 4th floor a couple of days ago… It tried desperately to grasp the wall on its way down, in vain of couse, and it bounced up again and then just stayed where it landed, until one of the guys got down and fetched it.

He took it to the vet. The lucky cat had no injuries, no broken bones, nothing… Well, no claws either, but that was a cheap price to pay for that stunt.

Yesterday, I promised to tell you about a trick you could use to make writing fiction really easy.

You might have heard about it: It’s buying plots.

Yes, there are writers who do the hard work for you and come up with plots, characters, and often chapter descriptions and settings, too.

All you have to do is write the dialog and change the names of the characters. Maybe the settings to something more familiar. And add your unique voice to the book.

If you’re outsourcing, using plots you buy will make it easy to tell a ghostwriter what you want.

Best regards,
Britt Malka

P.S. Tomorrow I’ll tell you more about hands-free fiction writing.

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