[Product Creation] This is it (mail 6 of 6)

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What time do you get up in the morning?

If you’d met me two years ago, you would have seen how I was up all night, playing World of Warcraft or watching webinars…

Then I would fall asleep around 6am and wake up again around 2pm.

When I had lunch, it would already be dark outside.

Oh, yes, I’d tried to go to bed earlier. It didn’t work. For strange reasons I was always wide awake when everybody else (except my husband who was just as bad) were sleeping.

We moved to the apartment we live in now. It’s bright, with a beautiful view over the sea (Oh? I mentioned that already? Really? 27 times?).

View from our balcony today at 2pm
View from our balcony today at 2pm

It happened immediately, the change. Easily and with no effort all.

We began to go to bed early (sometimes around 10pm) and woke up around the same time the sun would rise.

Funny thing is: I began to be much more productive. It’s as if we human beings are supposed to be awake when it’s day and sleep during the night.

Yeah, I know.

This may sound obvious to you, but to me it was a revelation.

Since then, I’ve loved to get up early – something I used to hate.

But then again… Back when I really hated it, I had to get ready in a hurry, and either run for the bus in cold and windy weather or drive for a long time in heavy traffic, when I got a car.

After that it was boring work a number or hours, and finally freedom to do what I wanted.

Now I have that freedom, every day, and I love to get up early to get started.

One of the things I love doing is product creation. We’ve been talking about that all week, and I’ll just summarise what we’ve been through:

Mail 1: How to write a book

You need planning (an idea and an outline), writing, and publishing.

Mail 2: How to plan your book

Write an outline in programs like Open Office, Word or Scrivener, or use a mind-mapping tool.

Mail 3: Book writing tools

Use a typewriter, if you like, but it’s more effective to use a program like Scrivener, Open Office or Word.

Mail 4: Publishing

You need to publish your book, which – today – means compiling the text either as PDF or in .mobi or similar format – which you can all easily do with Scrivener.

Mail 5: Make more money with Scrivener

How to utilize Scrivener to become more product and thus make more money.

That’s it for now.

Let me know if you have any specific problems with product creation. You’re always welcome to send me a mail.

Have a great weekend!

Best regards,
Britt Malka

P.S. That Scrivener course I talked about yesterday? It’s still available – AND you can get Scrivener (the program) with a 20% discount as well (bonus 3):

==> http://malka.im/e/scrivenerwplus

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