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For far too long, I stayed away from putting on those nice little Tweet This things on my blogs, because I was afraid it would be too embarrassing to show my visitors that nobody tweeted about my sad blog posts.
But a short while ago, I thought: “what the …”, and I just went ahead and did it anyway. I certainly don’t regret. Even if some posts only get 2 tweets, others have gotten 10, and I hope this number will grow.
So don’t be afraid. Don’t stay away from it. Watch this short video to learn how you can easily install this neat plugin.
Hello from beautiful Montana:
We are fellow bloggers at #blog30. I am looking forward to sharing and earning with you. I would appreciate you taking a minute to network my blog. I will return the favor.
Thanks, Judy
Hello Judy, and thank you for your comment. I really enjoy this blog30 challenge. I’ve met so many new people, and read so many good blogs. I’ll visit yours and write a comment.
I love Twitter and am going to try this. I am also doing the #blog30 challenge and have really enjoyed reading new blogs.