Free and fun traffic source

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Hi 🙂

Outside (in Haifa) the sun is shining, the temperature is rising (72F/22C) and it will soon be time for me to get back to my morning routine – reading on the balcony for 30-60 minutes.


Last night I went to the forum I wrote about yesterday (, and like it happens almost every time, I learn something cool and new.

The advice came from a member who’d enjoyed increasing traffic to his Amazon review site with the help of one major source, but also a new one he had just discovered.

I checked it, and it was easy to use and very much fun.

Now, before I tell you where and what it is, I’ll remind you again about that forum, because even though I’ve often shared bits of what I’ve learned in there, nothing beats going there yourself.

Only you will know exactly what interests you.

Check it out here ==>>

Curation for Traffic

You have probably heard about curation by now.

If not, then (in short) it’s gathering interesting stuff and sharing it with others with your comments.

That grants you authority and traffic.

The tool I learned about yesterday is called Scoop It, and you’ll find it here:

It’s pretty self-explaining, and you just follow the guide when you’ve signed up, and create your first topic.

Then start adding things you’ve found online. Add your own things, but also add other interesting articles, products or blog posts.

Make your Scoop something you would like to read yourself.

You can choose to share directly to Facebook, Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn when you find a scoop.

Okay, I’m off! Have a great weekend!

Best regards,
Britt Malka

P.S. Check out that forum 🙂 ==>>

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