Get Inspiration: From Zero To $7,000 In Six Months

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Your success, or lack of it, has a lot to do with your beliefs. Do you believe enough in yourself? Do you think you can make it? Or is that just something that happens to other people?

In 2007, I wrote a blog post about a young man who went from zero to $7,000 in six months. Today, he’s making five figures per month. And you know him. But go ahead and enjoy my blog post from a time when John Chow was just another blogger that only few had heard about.

I guess John kept doing what worked and also tested a few other methods…that worked, too.

Don’t you just love it when you hear about other people’s success? I do! It gives me hope, especially when I hear about someone going from nothing to a nice income.

Well, we all know the gurus make money. Of course they were not born gurus, but we tempt to forget this fact. “It’s easy for them”, we say, and then we have a fine excuse for doing nothing ourselves.

John Chow is not a guru. He didn’t even intend his blog to make money. He’s a living creature, like you and me, but he’s smart! He took action.

In September last year he started putting AdSense on his blog, and actually had a fine income that month. The following month he added other income streams, and made much more. Last month, February, the shortest month of the year, John made a new record: More than $7,000.

They didn’t come from AdSense alone, though, and John didn’t made that much money from lying on the beach.

Take a look at his blog, learn from it and from John. Read about his journey from zero to hero. John Chow – Making Money From a Blog.

This blog post was first published 02. March 2007.

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