“Membership Sites Blueprint” Review – Yeah, Well…

This post may contain affiliate and ad links for which I earn commissions.

I was very excited by Peng Joon’s “Work from No Home” product about affiliate marketing. Now he’s teaming up with Alex Mandosian, at least on the sales page, for his latest product the “Membership Sites Blueprint”. I got early review access.

In this review, you’ll learn if he really teaches you to set up membership sites in seven minutes, and if you should expect to make 5 – 6 figures every month, like Peng Joon, after you’ve bought this product.

I’m an affiliate of this product, and I got free affiliate review access to it. So you probably think that I’ll tell you all about why you should get it. Right?


Membership Sites Blueprint Review

Stretching the Truth

Let me quote a sentence from the beginning of the sales page:

With a blueprint which will show you how to create these membership sites in less than 7 minutes.

What does it mean to “create a membership site”?

In your mind – what goes on, if I tell you to do that?

Do you think:

  • Coming up with an idea to create a membership site about?
  • Checking if this idea is valuable and can turn into a profitable membershp site instead of being a waste of time and money?
  • Writing or getting content for it?
  • Buying the right domain?
  • Setting up WordPress?
  • Connecting it to an autoresponder to catch emails and build a list of prospects?
  • Setting up a system to limit access to paying members?
  • Making sure you’re receiving the payments?
  • Adding the content to this system?
  • Write the sales letter?
  • Getting traffic to your sales letter?

That’s what I think, when I think of “creating a membership site”. And that’s what Peng Joon teaches you in his course, but this is NOT done in seven minutes.

Setting up the blog with the membership script they recommend (you’ll have to get that, too. It’s $297 for unlimited membership sites) without adding content, sales page or anything, yes, that can be done in seven minutes.

Or, if you can afford it: Get the idea, grab the phone or email somebody and ask them to go through any of the other steps, that could take seven minutes as well.

But if you want to do all the steps that I consider necessary to build a membership site, then, no, it cannot be done in seven minutes.

Does that Mean that “Membership Sites Blueprint” Is Pure Crap?

No, it doesn’t. it just means that they stretch the truth somewhat on the sales page.

Now, here are my first impressions from when I entered the first time:

  • Lots of content. OMG so much!
  • Order. You start on HOME, and you can see all the modules at the top, and in the menu to the right, as well as below the introduction on the Home-page.
  • 30 Day Membership Action Plan – Oh, I love that. I’m not sure it’s in the main product, though. I think I read that it’s in an upsell. Not sure.
  • So much content – how will I ever get through? Right, no panic now… breathe in, breathe out. You just start at the beginning and continue…

When I’ve gotten over my panic attack, I started watching the first video. It was short – less than two minutes – and to the point.

The sound was bad, though. Peng Joon is standing in a sparecely furnitured room, speaking into an invisible microphone, and there’s a slight echo to the sound. You can actually see (or listen) for yourself on the sales page.

Every modul consists of text, and sometimes a video. Most of the videos are short.

Membership Sites Blueprint - look inside

Even though there are so much content, I got the feeling that they were trying to cover too much, and that I never got in-depth with the content.

We, my husband and I, have been running membership sites for years with success. A while ago, though, my husband got this great idea for a site, and we build it, added the content, I wrote a sales letter and all, and then we wanted to send traffic to it through AdWords.


Some youngster at Google thought that my husband was promising something impossible with his real-life proven system, and decided to end our campaign.

I dipped my pen in acid and wrote an answer, wellknowing that it would change absolutely nothing. And it didn’t.

So right now we’re left with a great product, but no clients (so far). I was therefore very interested in learning more about getting traffic to a membership site.

There are four main areas about traffic (paid/free – hard-sell/soft-sell), but none of them really made me go “aha”. Maybe it’s just me.

The Good and the Bad about “Membership Sites Blueprint”

To be honest, I skipped a lot of content. So this is not a full review. But these are some of my impressions:

There’s a lot of content. This could be good. You have to see this as a study and take it little by little to learn. This is not a push-button product (although they DO promise that you’ll learn to create sites in 7 minutes).

There are many great tips, too, inside Membership Sites Blueprint.

Much content, and yet, there’s a lack of details.

A detail irritated me – there were no “click here to get to the next lesson or module” at the bottom of each lesson. You have to use the menu to the right, which means scrolling a lot up and down. Well, it’s certainly something you’ll be able to live with, but I just noticed it.

In one of the first videos, Peng Joon shows us a checklist, and I was frustrated that I couldn’t see this checklist, except from on the screen on a whiteboard with some reflections which made it slightly unclear.

Afterwards, I found the checklist, though, so it’s there.

When he writes about the membership platforms, he recommends, he doesn’t link to them. You have to dig them up yourself, which is – of course – not that hard.

In the 30 Day Membership Action Plan, they don’t include the sending traffic part to your site.

My Recommendations: Should You Get “Membership Sites Blueprint” or Not?

I would have loved a second opinion on this, and if you get in and love it, please let me know in the comments.

This product just didn’t convince me. I think I would have regretted it, if I’d bought it.

You can read my reviews of “Work from No Home” here:

“Work From No Home” Review – From Annoyed to Excited (Part 1)

Work From No Home Review Part 2 – Ripping Apart the Sales Page

So no, I don’t recommend that you buy this product. Like I said: I loved his “Work from No Home” affiliate marketing info-product. This one just didn’t turn me on.

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